State Health Profile

State Health Profile - 2023
IndicatorYear(s)Measure TypeQuartile 
FloridaUSFlorida RankHealthiest StateHealthy People 2030
Social & Economic Factors
Community and Family Safety
Occupational Fatalities2018-2020Occupational-related Deaths per 100,000 Workers24.33.9232.82.9 per 100,000 workers
Public Health Funding2019-2020Dollars Per Person4$137$18344$465Public Health Infrastructure
Violent Crime 2020Offenses per 100,000 Population----Violent Crime
Economic Resources
Economic Hardship Index 2021Index from 1-100364-351
Crowded Housing 2021Percent of Occupied Housing Units43.3%3.40%411.20%Housing Instability
Dependency2021Percent of Population Under Age 18 or 65 And Older440.90%39.00%4236.40%
Education- Less Than High School 2021Percent of Population Age 25 and Older310.10%10.40%365.00%High School Graduation
Per Capita Income 2021Per Person2$40,278$41,80422$54,025Poverty
Poverty2021Percent of Households312.8%12.80%328.00%Poverty
Unemployment 2021Percent of Labor Force24.00%4.30%232.20%Employment
Food Insecurity 2019-2021Percent of Households311.40%11.20%336.20%6.0% of Households
Income Inequality 80-20 Ratio2021Ratio: Median Household Income at 80th to 20th Percentile34.634.92273.78Poverty
High School Graduation2018-2019Percent of Student Cohort Since 9th Grade190.20%86.50%992.10%90.7% of of Students
High School Graduation Racial Gap 2018-2019Percentage Point Difference 17.915.384.2
Social Support and Engagement
Adverse Childhood Experiences 2020-2021Percent of Children Ages 0-17212.70%14.00%139.80%Adverse Childhood Experiences
High-speed Internet2021Percent of Households293.10%92.90%1895.40%60.8% of Adults
Residential Segregation2016-2020Index from 0-100260-1646
Volunteerism2019Percent of Adults415.80%23.20%5040.70%Civic Participation
Voter Participation2018/2020Percent of Citizens (Midterm)455.60%59.50%4072.10%Civic Participation
Physical Environment
Air and Water Quality
Air Pollution 2019-2021Micrograms of Fine Particles Per Cubic Meter27.68.6244.1Unhealthy Air
Drinking Water Violations 2021Percent of Community Water Systems43.10%2.70%450.00%Safe Drinking Water
Non-Smoking Regulation2022Percent of Population40.00%62.50%43100%Smoke-Free Policies
Risk-screening Environmental Indicator Score2020Unitless Score----
Water Fluoridation 2018Percent of Population Served By Community Water Systems278.50%72.70%2299.90%77.1% of Population
Housing and Transit
Drive Alone to Work2021Percent of Workers 16 and Over269.70%68.70%1949.00%
Housing With Lead Risk 2021Percent of Housing Units17.70%16.50%44.60%Quality of Housing
Severe Housing Problems 2015-2019Percent of Occupied Housing Units418.80%16.70%4411.00%Quality of Housing
Clinical Care
Access to Care
Avoided Care Due to Cost 2021Percent of Adults413.30%10.10%435.70%Access to Primary Care
Dental Care Providers 2022Rate Per 100,000 Population356.664.63596.8Access to Oral Health
Mental Health Providers 2022Rate Per 100,000 Population4214.6324.942758.7Mental Health
Primary Care Providers 2022Rate Per 100,000 Population2262.9232.017322.184% of Population
Uninsured2021Percent of Individuals411.20%8.00%462.40%Health Insurance
Preventive Services
Colorectal Cancer Screening 2020Percent of Adults458.50%61.80%3868.90%74.4% of Adults Age 50-75
Dental Visit2020Percent of Adults361.20%66.00%3773.90%Oral Health Care
Childhood Immunization2022Percent of Children368.70%70.00%3481.20%Childhood Immunizations
Flu Vaccination 2021Percent of Adults439.00%45.60%4660.10%Flu Vaccine
HPV Vaccination Percent of Adolescents Ages 13-17458.90%62.60%3985.20%HPV Vaccine
Quality of Care
Personal (Usual) Health Care Provider2021Percent of Adults479.20%83.80%4391.70%84% of Population
Preventable Hospitalizations 2020Per 100,000 Medicare Enrollees Ages 18+43,092 2,681411,432Preventable Hospitalizations
Behavioral Health
Insufficient Sleep2020Percent of Adults337.40%35.50%3529.60%68.6 % of Adults
Exercise 2019Percent of Adults127.00%23.00%428.50%Overweight and Obesity
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption 2021Percent of Adults-7.40%-12.90%Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Physical Inactivity 2021Percent of Adults324.50%23.40%3316.80%Physical Activty
Sexual Health
Chlamydia 2020Per 100,000 Population2479.3495.524141Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
High-risk HIV Behaviors 2020Percent of Adults36.20%5.70%344.50%HIV Infections
Teen Births 2020Births Per 1,000 Females Ages 15-19213.513.9255.4Teen pregnancy
Tobacco Use
E-cigerette Use 2021Percent of Adults16.10%7.7%54.50%E-Cigarette Use
Smoking 2021Percent of Adults111.30%14.00%116.70%5.0% of Adults
Health Outcomes
Behavioral Health
DepressionPercent of Adults117.80%21.70%512.50%Depression
Excessive Drinking 2021Percent of Adults416.7%18.40%3913.60%Binge Drinking
Frequent Mental Distress 2021Percent of Adults15.0%15.90%1710.70%Mental Health Disorders
Non-Medical Drug Use 2022Percent of Adults416.70%15.90%397.50%Nonmedical Use of Prescription Opioids
Drug Deaths (1-year)2020Per 100,000 Population336.532.13311.320.7 per 100,000 Population
Premature Death 2020Per 100,000 Population3 10,040 9,478306,454
Premature Death Racial Inequality 2018-2020Per 100,000 Population11.11.631
Suicide Per 100,000 Population214.814.5177.312.8 per 100,000 Population
Physical Health
Frequent Physical Distress 2021Percent of Adults313.00%12.40%319.50%
Perceived Good Health Status (High Health Status) 2021Percent of Adults251.00%50.70%1855.90%
Low Birthweight 2020Percent of Live Births39.00%8.50%346.60%Infant Mortality
Low Birthweight Racial Gap 2018-2020Percentage Point Difference22.02.1241.1
Multiple Chronic Conditions Percent of Adults311.30%11.20%267.00%
Arthritis2021Percent of Adults328.40%27.70%3020.40%Arthritis
Asthma2021Percent of Adults19.30%10.40%107.90%Asthma
Cancer 2021Percent of Adults49.60%8.30%466.60%Cancer
Cardiovascular Diseases 2021Percent of Adults39.90%9.10%376.60%Cardiovascular Health
Kidney Diseases 2021Percent of Adults44.30%3.50%392.412.8% of Adults
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease2021Percent of Adults37.40%6.80%343.50%COPD
Diabetes 2021Percent of Adults312.20%11.50%348.10%Diabetes New Cases
Risk Factors
High Blood Pressure2021Percent of Adults-32.40%-26.00%27.7% of Adults
High Cholesterol2021Percent of Adults-35.70%-30.50% Cholesterol
Obesity 2021Percent of Adults231.60%33.60%1425.00%36.0% of Adults
3/29/2025 4:02:26 AM

Data Note(s) is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.

  • Data in this report were obtained from America’s Health Rankings Reports for Florida and for the United States.

  • The reports are available in their entirety at

  • Quartiles in this report allow you to compare Florida with other states.

  • Green, yellow, orange and red county quartiles represent the most to the least favorable situation (1st to 4th quartile). Light to dark blue county quartiles represent density from lowest to highest (1st to 4th).