Data Sources: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics
Florida Agency for Health Care Administration
Population estimates from the Florida Legislature, Office of Economic and Demographic Research have been allocated by race based on information from the US Bureau of the Census and form the foundation for rates displayed in this report.
Data Notes:
Suicide is death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die.
Suicides for ages 0 to 9 are not included in this report due to a child’s inability to form or understand suicidal intent.
Intentional self-harm is injury or poisoning inflicted on oneself by deliberate means with the intent to take one's own life or with the intent to harm oneself. Not all intentional self-harm injuries are suicide attempts.
Rates are not calculated when there are less than 5 cases.
Non-fatal events (hospitalizations and ED visits) are suppressed when there are 1-4 cases. Therefore age groups for living versus deceased persons differ to optimize display of data.
Rates provided are crude rates, age-specific to the age range specified, per 100,000 population.
Veteran Affairs (VA) and other federal hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and psychiatric hospitals are not included in this report.
Data are shown by county of residence.
Totals exceed the sum of the rows when the data contain unknown ages.
Suicides by firearms discharge: ICD-10 Code(s): X72-X74
Suicides by drug poisoning: ICD-10 Code(s): X60-X64
Suffocation: Suicides by hanging, strangulation or suffocation: ICD-10 Code(s): X70
Suicides by non-drug poisoning ICD-10 Code(s): X65-X69
Suicides by cut / pierce ICD-10 Code(s): X78
Suicide deaths by other mechanisms: all other injury mechanisms are combined in this category.
Hospitalizations and ED Visits:
Due to the transition of ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM, hospitalization and ED data are presented starting in 2016.
Intentional self-harm by firearm ICD-10-CM Code(s)*: X72, X73, X74.8, X74.9
Intentional self-harm by drug poisoning ICD-10-CM Codes(s)*: T36-T50 with 6th character of 2 (T36.9, T37.9, T39.9, T41.4, T42.7, T43.9, T45.9, T47.9, and T49.9 with 5th character of 2)
Intentional self-harm by suffocation ICD-10-CM Code(s)*: T71 with 6th character of 2
Intentional self-harm by cut / pierce ICD-10-CM Code(s)*: X78
Intentional self-harm by non-drug poisoning ICD-10-CM Code(s)*: T51-T65 with 6th character of 2 (T51.9, T52.9, T53.9, T54.9, T56.9, T57.9, T58.0, T58.1, T58.9, T59.9, T60.9, T61.0, T61.1, T61.9, T62.9, T63.9, T64.0, T64.8, and T65.9 with a 5th character of 2)
Intentional self-harm by other mechanisms: all other injury mechanisms are combined in this category.
Injury mechanisms for non-fatal intentional self-harm are mutually exclusive, but more than one type of injury may occur in an ED visit or hospitalization.
Non-fatal intentional self-harm categories are derived from the injury subset definition.
Data may contain multiple hospitalizations or ED visits for the same person/injury event due to hospital transfers, readmissions, and follow-up visits. Therefore, the data reflects the number of hospitalizations or ED visits and not the number of people injured.
Data for specific mechanisms of injury may be underestimated due to incomplete reporting of the external cause of injury.