Access and Functional Needs Profile, Alachua County, Florida|
Demographic DataDemographic Data | | | | | | |
Total PopulationTotal Population | 2023 | Count | 291,459 | | 22,685,583 | |
Resident Live BirthsResident Live Births | 2023 | Per 1,000 Population | 2,541 | 8.7 | 221,413 | 9.8 |
Population (Aged 65-84 Years) Population (Aged 65-84 Years) | 2023 | Percent of Total Population | 40,452 | 13.9% | 4,261,873 | 18.8% |
Population (Aged 85 Years and Older) Population (Aged 85 Years and Older) | 2023 | Percent of Total Population | 4,820 | 1.7% | 611,618 | 2.7% |
Individuals Living Alone (Aged 65 Years and Older)Individuals Living Alone (Aged 65 Years and Older) | 2023 | Percent of Population 65+ | 12,516 | 31.3% | 1,114,512 | 24.7% |
Children in Foster Care (Aged 0-17 Years)Children in Foster Care (Aged 0-17 Years) | 2023 | Per 100,000 Population, Under 18 | 245 | 472.2 | 21,031 | 482.8 |
Socioeconomic DataSocioeconomic Data | | | | | | |
Individuals Below Poverty Level (Census)Individuals Below Poverty Level (Census) | 2023 | Population for Whom Poverty Status is Determined | 52,015 | 19.7% | 2,707,698 | 12.6% |
Population Uninsured (Aged 0-64 Years) (Census)Population Uninsured (Aged 0-64 Years) (Census) | 2023 | Count | 21,268 | | 2,520,600 | |
Households Receiving Cash Public Assistance or Food StampsHouseholds Receiving Cash Public Assistance or Food Stamps | 2023 | Percent of Households | 11,298 | 10% | 1,156,958 | 13.5% |
Monthly Medicaid EnrollmentMonthly Medicaid Enrollment | 2023 | Per 100,000 Population | 44,110 | 15134.2 | 4,320,031 | 19043.1 |
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) EligiblesWomen, Infants and Children (WIC) Eligibles | 2023 | Percent of Total Population | 6,271 | 2.2% | 606,923 | 2.7% |
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Eligibles ServedWomen, Infants and Children (WIC) Eligibles Served | 2023 | Percent of WIC Eligibles | 4,199 | 67% | 418,118 | 68.9% |
Homeless Estimate Homeless Estimate | 2023 | Percent of Total Population | 931 | 0.3% | 30,809 | 0.1% |
Population That Speak English Less Than Very Well (Aged 5 Years and Older)Population That Speak English Less Than Very Well (Aged 5 Years and Older) | 2023 | Percent of Census Population 5+ | 9,005 | 3.4% | 2,517,985 | 12.1% |
Spanish-Speakers Among Population That Speak English Less Than Very Well (Aged 5 Years and Older)Spanish-Speakers Among Population That Speak English Less Than Very Well (Aged 5 Years and Older) | 2023 | Limited English Proficiency Ages 5 and Over | 4,201 | 46.7% | 1,962,878 | 78% |
Vulnerability DataVulnerability Data | | | | | | |
Adults Who Are Limited in Any Way in Any Activities Because of Physical, Mental or Emotional ProblemsAdults Who Are Limited in Any Way in Any Activities Because of Physical, Mental or Emotional Problems | 2016 | Percent | | 22.1% | | 21.2% |
Adults Who Use Special Equipment Because of a Health ProblemAdults Who Use Special Equipment Because of a Health Problem | 2016 | Percent | | 9.1% | | 9.9% |
Population Civilian Non-Institutionalized With a DisabilityPopulation Civilian Non-Institutionalized With a Disability | 2023 | Percent of Civilian non-institutionalized population | 32,413 | 11.6% | 2,924,178 | 13.5% |
Developmentally Disabled ClientsDevelopmentally Disabled Clients | 2023 | Count | 1,173 | | 61,307 | |
Clients Who Sustained a Brain and/or Spinal Cord InjuryClients Who Sustained a Brain and/or Spinal Cord Injury | 2023 | Count | 6 | | 387 | |
Emergency Department Visits From Mental DisordersEmergency Department Visits From Mental Disorders | 2023 | Per 100,000 Population | 2,013 | 690.7 | 210,005 | 925.7 |
Hospitalizations From Mental DisordersHospitalizations From Mental Disorders | 2023 | Per 100,000 Population | 3,468 | 1189.9 | 210,140 | 926.3 |
Population With Vision Difficulty (Aged 18-64 Years) (Census)Population With Vision Difficulty (Aged 18-64 Years) (Census) | 2023 | Percent of Census Population 18-64 | 2,738 | 1.4% | 248,596 | 1.9% |
Population With Hearing Difficulty (Aged 18-64 Years) (Census)Population With Hearing Difficulty (Aged 18-64 Years) (Census) | 2023 | Percent of Census Population 18-64 | 2,278 | 1.2% | 231,416 | 1.8% |
Medicare Beneficiaries Enrolled in Medical Essential Electric Utility ProgramMedicare Beneficiaries Enrolled in Medical Essential Electric Utility Program | 2023 | Count | 1,939 | | 187,021 | |
Adult Substance Abuse Program Enrollees (Aged 18 Years and Older)Adult Substance Abuse Program Enrollees (Aged 18 Years and Older) | 2023 | Count | 809 | | 65,189 | |
Population With an Independent Living Disability (Aged 18-64 Years) (Census)Population With an Independent Living Disability (Aged 18-64 Years) (Census) | 2023 | Percent of Census Population 18-64 | 5,812 | 3.1% | 459,383 | 3.5% |
Children Through Age 20Children Through Age 20 | | | | | | |
Population With Vision Difficulty (Aged 0-17 Years) (Census)Population With Vision Difficulty (Aged 0-17 Years) (Census) | 2023 | Percent of Census Population Under 18 | 244 | 0.5% | 34,998 | 0.8% |
Population With Hearing Difficulty (Aged 0-17 Years) (Census)Population With Hearing Difficulty (Aged 0-17 Years) (Census) | 2023 | Percent of Census Population Under 18 | 249 | 0.5% | 23,045 | 0.5% |
Medical Foster Care Children Medical Foster Care Children | 2023 | Count | 4 | | 360 | |
Florida Children's Medical Services (CMS) ClientsFlorida Children's Medical Services (CMS) Clients | 2023 | Percent of Population Under 21 | 1,081 | 1.4% | 120,821 | 2.3% |
Child Substance Abuse Program Enrollees (Aged 0-17 Years)Child Substance Abuse Program Enrollees (Aged 0-17 Years) | 2023 | Count | 25 | | 10,977 | |
Elderly Ages 65+Elderly Ages 65+ | | | | | | |
Population With Vision Difficulty (Aged 65 Years and Older) (Census)Population With Vision Difficulty (Aged 65 Years and Older) (Census) | 2023 | Percent of Census Population 65+ | 2,773 | 6.6% | 261,694 | 5.7% |
Population With Hearing Difficulty (Aged 65 Years and Older) (Census)Population With Hearing Difficulty (Aged 65 Years and Older) (Census) | 2023 | Percent of Census Population 65+ | 5,310 | 12.6% | 569,772 | 12.3% |
Probable Alzheimer's Cases (Aged 65 Years and Older)Probable Alzheimer's Cases (Aged 65 Years and Older) | 2023 | Percent of Population 65+ | 4,742 | 10.5% | 547,614 | 11.2% |