School-aged Child and Adolescent Profile, Alachua County, Florida|
Socio-Demographic Characteristics |
Population | Count | 2023 | | | 291,459291459 |
| 22,685,583 22685583 |
Population (Aged 5-11 Years) | Count | 2023 | | | 20,27120271 |
| 1,713,325 1713325 |
White White | Count | 2023 | | | 11,76011760 |
| 1,170,675 1170675 |
Black Black | Count | 2023 | | | 5,9785978 |
| 384,999 384999 |
Hispanic Hispanic | Count | 2023 | | | 2,4262426 |
| 539,209 539209 |
Non-Hispanic Non-Hispanic | Count | 2023 | | | 17,84517845 |
| 1,174,116 1174116 |
Population (Aged 12-18 Years) | Count | 2023 | | | 26,52826528 |
| 1,781,683 1781683 |
White White | Count | 2023 | | | 16,50316503 |
| 1,245,148 1245148 |
Black Black | Count | 2023 | | | 6,7446744 |
| 384,397 384397 |
Hispanic Hispanic | Count | 2023 | | | 3,2403240 |
| 574,468 574468 |
Non-Hispanic Non-Hispanic | Count | 2023 | | | 23,28823288 |
| 1,207,215 1207215 |
Median Household Income | Dollars | 2018-22 | | | $57,56657566 |
| $67,91767917 |
Families Below Poverty Level With Related Children (Aged 0-17 Years) | Percent | 2018-22 | 2nd Quartile2 | | | 12.8% 12.8 | 14.4%14.4 |
Households Receiving Cash Public Assistance or Food Stamps | Percent | 2018-22 | 1st Quartile1 | | 10,82410824 | 10% 10 | 13.9%13.9 |
Unemployed Civilian Labor Force | Percent | 2018-22 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 7,1117111 | 5.1% 5.1 | 5%5 |
Individuals With No High School Diploma (Aged 25 Years and Older) | Percent | 2018-22 | 1st Quartile1 | | | 6.4% 6.4 | 10.7%10.7 |
Population That Speak English Less Than Very Well (Aged 5 Years and Older) | Percent | 2018-22 | | 2nd Quartile2 | 8,8248824 | 3.3% 3.3 | 11.9%11.9 |
Spanish-Speakers Among Population That Speak English Less Than Very Well (Aged 5 Years and Older) | Percent | 2018-22 | | 1st Quartile1 | 3,5513551 | 40.2% 40.2 | 78%78 |
Elementary School Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch | Percent | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 7,3007300 | 55.1% 55.1 | 55.1%55.1 |
Middle School Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunch | Percent | 2023 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 3,6243624 | 54.8% 54.8 | 52.7%52.7 |
Children Without Health Insurance (Aged 0-18 Years) | Percent | 2018-22 | 1st Quartile1 | | | 4.7% 4.7 | 7.5%7.5 |
Children in Foster Care (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 7676 | 374.9 374.9 | 398.6398.6 |
Children in Foster Care (Aged 12-17 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 6262 | 341.9 341.9 | 372.3372.3 |
Children Experiencing Child Abuse (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 243243 | 398.5 398.5 | 483.8483.8 |
Children Experiencing Sexual Violence (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 3131 | 50.8 50.8 | 42.042 |
Social-emotional Development |
School Readiness at Kindergarten Entry | Percent | 2023 | 3rd Quartile2 | | | 48.6% 48.6 | 49.2%49.2 |
Students in 3rd Grade With a Passing Grade on Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) English Language Arts | Percent | 2022 | 2nd Quartile3 | | | 50% 50 | 53%53 |
Students Who Did Not Go to School Because They Felt They Would Be Unsafe at School or on Their Way to School in the Past 30 Days | Percent | 2022 | 3rd Quartile | | | 11.1% 11.1 | 10%10 |
Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disability (Kindergarten - 12th Grade) | Percent | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 7878 | 0.3% 0.3 | 0.4%0.4 |
Students Absent 21+ Days From School (Kindergarten - 12th Grade) | Percent | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | | 18.7% 18.7 | 19.4%19.4 |
Elementary School Students Not Promoted | Percent | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | 244244 | 1.8% 1.8 | 2.6%2.6 |
Middle School Students Not Promoted | Percent | 2023 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 8484 | 1.3% 1.3 | 1.6%1.6 |
High School Graduation Rate | Percent | 2023 | 2nd Quartile3 | | | 84.2% 84.2 | 88%88 |
Out of School Suspensions (Kindergarten - 12th Grade) | Per 1,000 K-12 Students | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 54065406 | 63.4 63.4 | 55.655.6 |
School Environmental Safety Incidents | Per 1,000 K-12 Students | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 42054205 | 49.3 49.3 | 33.633.6 |
Youths Arrested | Per 1,000 | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 12791279 | 18.7 18.7 | 11.311.3 |
Juvenile Drug Arrests | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 8484 | 122.8 122.8 | 159.1159.1 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Self-Harm Injuries (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 9999 | 133.3 133.3 | 75.375.3 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Self-Harm Injuries (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 3838 | 50.4 50.4 | 57.157.1 |
Hospitalizations From or With Eating Disorders as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 126126 | 169.7 169.7 | 71.271.2 |
Hospitalizations From or With Eating Disorders as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 2929 | 38.5 38.5 | 28.228.2 |
Immunizations and Vaccine Preventable and Other Communicable Diseases |
Immunization Levels in Kindergarten | Percent | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile2 | | 6,7366736 | 92.6% 92.6 | 91.8%91.8 |
Immunization Levels (7th Grade) | Percent | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile3 | | 7,4357435 | 96% 96 | 94.2%94.2 |
Hepatitis A (Aged 5-21 Years) Hepatitis A (Aged 5-21 Years) | Count | 2021-23 | | | 00 |
| 30 30 |
Hepatitis B, Acute (Aged 5-21 Years) Hepatitis B, Acute (Aged 5-21 Years) | Count | 2021-23 | | | 11 |
| 74 74 |
Hepatitis B, Chronic (Aged 5-21 Years) Hepatitis B, Chronic (Aged 5-21 Years) | Per 100,000 Population 5-21 | 2021-23 | | | 33 | 1.4 1.4 | 2.72.7 |
Measles (Rubeola) (Aged 5-21 Years) Measles (Rubeola) (Aged 5-21 Years) | Count | 2021-23 | | | 00 |
| 0 0 |
Meningococcal Disease (Aged 5-21 Years) Meningococcal Disease (Aged 5-21 Years) | Count | 2021-23 | | | 00 |
| 15 15 |
Mumps (Aged 5-21 Years) Mumps (Aged 5-21 Years) | Count | 2021-23 | | | 00 |
| 8 8 |
Pertussis (Aged 5-21 Years) Pertussis (Aged 5-21 Years) | Per 100,000 Population 5-21 | 2021-23 | | | 44 | 0.5 0.5 | 0.30.3 |
Varicella (Aged 5-21 Years) Varicella (Aged 5-21 Years) | Per 100,000 Population 5-21 | 2021-23 | | | 33 | 1.4 1.4 | 3.53.5 |
Varicella Among Women (Aged 15-21 Years) Varicella Among Women (Aged 15-21 Years) | Per 100,000 Females 15-21 | 2021-23 | | | 11 | 0.8 0.8 | 1.61.6 |
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) (Aged 0-9 Years) Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) (Aged 0-9 Years) | Count | 2021-23 | | | 00 |
| 15 15 |
Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Infection (Aged 0-9 Years) Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli (STEC) Infection (Aged 0-9 Years) | Per 100,000 Population < 10 | 2021-23 | | | 1616 | 18.8 18.8 | 11.511.5 |
Modifiable Risks and Behaviors |
Student-Nurse Ratio in School (Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade) | Ratio | 2023 | 1st Quartile1 | | | 1,072.7 1072.7 | 2,414.72414.7 |
Middle School Students Who Are Obese | Percent | 2022 | 3rd Quartile | | | 19.1% 19.1 | 15.7%15.7 |
Middle School Students Who Have Smoked 100 or More Cigarettes in Their Lifetime | Percent | 2022 | | | | 0.6% 0.6 | 0.3%0.3 |
Middle School Students Who Have Used Alcohol in Past 30 Days | Percent | 2022 | 3rd Quartile | | | 8.4% 8.4 | 6.7%6.7 |
Middle School Students Reporting Binge Drinking | Percent | 2022 | 1st Quartile | | | 1.4% 1.4 | 3%3 |
Middle School Students Using Marijuana/Hashish in Past 30 Days | Percent | 2022 | 2nd Quartile | | | 2.9% 2.9 | 3%3 |
High School Students Who Are Obese | Percent | 2022 | 2nd Quartile | | | 14.6% 14.6 | 15.2%15.2 |
High School Students Who Have Smoked 100 or More Cigarettes in Their Lifetime | Percent | 2022 | 2nd Quartile | | | 1.2% 1.2 | 1%1 |
High School Students Who Have Used Alcohol in Past 30 Days | Percent | 2022 | 4th Quartile | | | 21.5% 21.5 | 15.5%15.5 |
High School Students Reporting Binge Drinking | Percent | 2022 | 1st Quartile | | | 4.3% 4.3 | 7.5%7.5 |
High School Students Using Marijuana/Hashish in Past 30 Days | Percent | 2022 | 4th Quartile | | | 16.1% 16.1 | 12.2%12.2 |
Births (Aged 15-19 Years) | Per 1,000 | 2021-23 | | 1st Quartile1 | 291291 | 7.7 7.7 | 13.213.2 |
Births (Aged 15-17 Years) | Per 1,000 | 2021-23 | | 2nd Quartile2 | 6969 | 5.8 5.8 | 5.45.4 |
Births (Aged 18-19 Years) | Per 1,000 | 2021-23 | | 1st Quartile1 | 222222 | 8.6 8.6 | 25.125.1 |
Repeat Births to Mothers (Aged 15-19 Years) | Percent | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 3737 | 12.7% 12.7 | 12.9%12.9 |
Repeat Births to Mothers (Aged 15-17 Years) | Percent | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 55 | 7.2% 7.2 | 6.3%6.3 |
Repeat Births to Mothers (Aged 18-19 Years) | Percent | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 3232 | 14.4% 14.4 | 15.1%15.1 |
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Diagnoses (Aged 13-19 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 44 | 4.5 4.5 | 7.37.3 |
Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) (Aged 15-19) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 24382438 | 3,412.6 3412.6 | 2,590.02590 |
Chlamydia Among Women (Aged 15-19) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 13921392 | 3,691.3 3691.3 | 3,008.03008 |
Chlamydia Among Women (Aged 20-24) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 20892089 | 3,098.0 3098 | 3,795.53795.5 |
Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions |
Hospitalizations From or With Asthma as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 391391 | 641.2 641.2 | 269.3269.3 |
Hospitalizations From or With Asthma as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 509509 | 685.6 685.6 | 420.1420.1 |
Hospitalizations From or With Diabetes as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 2424 | 39.4 39.4 | 40.940.9 |
Hospitalizations From or With Diabetes as Any Listed Diagnosis (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 5858 | 78.1 78.1 | 117.1117.1 |
Injuries |
Emergency Room Visits (Aged 5-19 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 4419044190 | 27,911.3 27911.3 | 34,053.934053.9 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Unintentional Injury (Aged 5-9 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 7272 | 164.7 164.7 | 83.283.2 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Unintentional Injury (Aged 10-19 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 222222 | 193.7 193.7 | 159.3159.3 |
Licensed Drivers in Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes (Aged 15-17 Years) | Per 1,000 | 2018-20 | 4th Quartile4 | | 640640 | 46.7 46.7 | 38.538.5 |
Licensed Drivers in Motor Vehicle Traffic Crashes (Aged 18-20 Years) | Per 1,000 | 2018-20 | 4th Quartile4 | | 29802980 | 116.2 116.2 | 68.468.4 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic-Related Injuries (Aged 5-9 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 1313 | 29.7 29.7 | 17.617.6 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic-Related Injuries (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 2020 | 32.8 32.8 | 17.417.4 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic-Related Injuries (Aged 10-14 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 1717 | 39.4 39.4 | 21.121.1 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic-Related Injuries (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 5757 | 76.8 76.8 | 56.856.8 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic-Related Injuries (Aged 15-19 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 6767 | 93.8 93.8 | 92.792.7 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Motor Vehicle Traffic-Related Injuries (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 6060 | 79.6 79.6 | 136.6136.6 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Traumatic Brain Injury (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 1313 | 21.3 21.3 | 17.017 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Traumatic Brain Injury (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 3232 | 43.1 43.1 | 42.642.6 |
Hospitalizations From Non-Fatal Traumatic Brain Injury (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 2626 | 34.5 34.5 | 69.969.9 |
Mortality |
Deaths (Aged 5-19 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 4242 | 26.5 26.5 | 29.829.8 |
Deaths (Aged 5-9 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 33 | 6.9 6.9 | 12.612.6 |
Deaths (Aged 10-14 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 4th Quartile4 | | 1414 | 32.4 32.4 | 16.716.7 |
Deaths (Aged 15-19 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 2525 | 35.0 35 | 59.359.3 |
Deaths From Unintentional Injury (Aged 5-9 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 22 | 4.6 4.6 | 4.14.1 |
Deaths From Unintentional Injury (Aged 10-14 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 11 | 2.3 2.3 | 4.84.8 |
Deaths From Unintentional Injury (Aged 15-19 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 99 | 12.6 12.6 | 24.324.3 |
Deaths From Motor Vehicle Crashes (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 11 | 1.6 1.6 | 2.22.2 |
Deaths From Motor Vehicle Crashes (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 2nd Quartile2 | | 88 | 10.8 10.8 | 9.79.7 |
Deaths From Motor Vehicle Crashes (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 55 | 6.6 6.6 | 24.924.9 |
Deaths From Homicide (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 11 | 1.6 1.6 | 0.60.6 |
Deaths From Homicide (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 77 | 9.4 9.4 | 6.86.8 |
Deaths From Homicide (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 88 | 10.6 10.6 | 16.616.6 |
Deaths From Suicide (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 44 | 5.4 5.4 | 5.55.5 |
Deaths From Suicide (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 77 | 9.3 9.3 | 12.912.9 |
Deaths From Unintentional Injury Other Than Motor Vehicle Accidents (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 11 | 1.6 1.6 | 1.71.7 |
Deaths From Unintentional Injury Other Than Motor Vehicle Accidents (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 11 | 1.3 1.3 | 4.14.1 |
Deaths From Unintentional Injury Other Than Motor Vehicle Accidents (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 00 | 0.0 0 | 17.117.1 |
Deaths From Traumatic Brain Injury (Aged 5-11 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | | | 11 | 1.6 1.6 | 1.41.4 |
Deaths From Traumatic Brain Injury (Aged 12-18 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 3rd Quartile3 | | 99 | 12.1 12.1 | 8.68.6 |
Deaths From Traumatic Brain Injury (Aged 19-21 Years) | Per 100,000 | 2021-23 | 1st Quartile1 | | 77 | 9.3 9.3 | 20.620.6 |