Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases are illnesses caused by germs (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi that enter the body, multiply, and cause infection. Some infectious diseases are contagious (or communicable), that is, spread from one person to another. Data in this report summarize annual statistics about healthcare associated infections, communicable diseases and vaccinations. The graphs and tables below compare county and Florida data.

Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Epidemiology
Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Communicable Diseases
Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Communicable Diseases
Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Epidemiology
Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Epidemiology
Data Source: Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Epidemiology
In Alachua County, Florida, in 2023 There were 0 cases of Hepatitis A per 100,000 population. There were 3,751 cases of Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 44 cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and 4 cases of Tuberculosis per 100,000 population. There were 19 cases of acute Giardiasis. 95.5 percent of students had documentation of vaccinations required for entry into seventh grade.
Infectious Diseases, Alachua County, Florida
IndicatorYear(s)Measure TypeQuartile 
County NumberCounty RateState NumberState Rate
Communicable Diseases 2, 3, 4
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population13913.44,71920.8
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population4144.86232.7
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population51.73461.5
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population382.74602.0
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population Aged 0-4 Years322.3554.9
     Hepatitis A 
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population00.01000.4
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population2103.48663.8
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population24314.85,69425.1
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population34.051512.5
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population3248.21,5997.0
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population215452.812,46354.9
     Hepatitis D 
     Hepatitis E 
     Hepatitis G 
2023Age Adjusted Rate Per 100,000 Population461.72050.7
     AIDS Diagnoses
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population3279.31,9818.7
     HIV Diagnoses
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population34415.14,72520.8
2023Age-Adjusted Rate Per 100,000 Population123.95642.1
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population72.44762.1
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population00.0460.2
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population00.020.0
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population00.0410.2
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population20.7850.4
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population26923.77,13131.4
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population4279.31,1385.0
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population134.51,2735.6
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population3196.51,1465.1
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population Aged 0-5 Years16.1926.7
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
     Bacterial STDs
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population43,7511,287.0178,802788.2
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population42,623900.0113,110498.6
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population4952326.646,853206.5
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population317660.418,83983.0
2023Rate Per 100,000 Resident Births (Live and Stillbirths)23117.5235105.4
     Syphilis, Early
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population311338.810,05644.3
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population47927.14,37619.3
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population41.46242.8
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population10.36532.9
2023Rate Per 100,000 Population72.43511.5
Childhood Vaccinations 2
2022Percent of Two Year Olds7976
2023Percent of Kindertarten Students22,38892.2203,92090.6
2023Percent of 7th Grade Students32,50195.5227,76093.6
2023Percent of Population Aged 9-17 Years37,84029.2793,40135.1
Other Vaccinations 5
2019Percent of Population Aged 18 and Older144.336.9
2019Percent of Population Aged 65 and Older367.466.8
2016Percent of Population Aged 18 and Older161.752.9
3/31/2025 5:06:34 PM

Data Note(s)

  • is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.

  • Age-adjusted death rates are computed using the year 2000 standard population.

  • Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) are tracked as a benchmark of infection prevention practices and to assess the safety of certain medical devices. HAI ratios greater than 1.0 indicate more HAI events than expected, and values less than 1.0 indicate fewer HAI events. A score of zero is best.

  • When there are small numbers of cases statewide, counts are provided rather than rates and quartiles.

  • Bacterial STDs are comprised of three reportable STDs in Florida: chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

  • Data for Children Fully Immunized: Basic Immunization Series (Aged 2 Years) are based based on a stratified, random sample survey of children born two years prior to the survey. Estimates are provided for the counties with the largest number of total births as well as statewide. Where rates would be unstable (counties with fewer births) blanks are shown. The source of the data is Florida SHOTS-Florida State Health Online Tracking System.

  • Section 1003.22, Florida Statutes, provides for the requirement of proper documentation prior to school entry into seventh grade.

  • Survey data are expressed in percentages rather than counts.

  • Green, yellow, orange and red county quartiles represent the most to the least favorable situation (1st to 4th quartile). Light to dark blue county quartiles represent density from lowest to highest (1st to 4th).

  • Data Sources

  • 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)

  • 2 Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Epidemiology

  • 3 Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics

  • 4 Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Communicable Diseases

  • 5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Florida Department of Health, Division of Community Health Promotion