Children and Youth With Special Healthcare Needs Profile

Children and Youth With Special Healthcare Needs Profile, Florida
IndicatorRate TypeYear(s)FloridaU.S
Resident Live Births (Infants)Count2020209,6453,605,201
Children (Aged 0-17 Years)Count20204,282,26273,296,738
Children in Excellent or Very Good Health (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-2090.590.4
Children Who Were Not Able to Obtain Needed Health Care in the Last Year (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-204.43.5
Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs (Aged 0-17 Years)Count2019-20796,50114,219,567
Children and Youth With Special Health Care Needs (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-2018.619.4
Medical Home and Transition to Adulthood
Children With Special Health Care Needs Who Have a Medical Home (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-2032.742.2
Children Without Special Health Care Needs Who Have a Medical Home (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-2041.247.9
Adolescents With Special Health Care Needs Who Received Services Necessary to Make Transitions to Adult Health Care (Aged 12-17 Years)Percent2019-2020.722.5
Adolescents Without Special Health Care Needs Who Received Services Necessary to Make Transitions to Adult Health Care (Aged 12-17 Years)Percent2019-2010.617.6
Mental - Behavioral Health
Children With a Mental-Behavioral Condition Who Received Treatment or Counseling (Aged 3-17 Years)Percent2019-2045.452.3
Children Who Were Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder (Aged 3-17 Years)Percent2019-202.92.9
Children Who Were Diagnosed With Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) (Aged 3-17 Years)Percent2019-209.78.9
Health Insurance, Health Care and Preventative Services
Children Who Are Continuously and Adequately Insured (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-2062.466.7
Children Without Health Care Insurance (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-20
Children With Special Health Care Needs Who Received Care in a Well Functioning System (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-2014.414.4
Children Fully Immunized: Expanded Immunization Series (Aged 2 Years)Percent202083.2
Adolescents Who Received a Preventive Medical Visit in the Past Year (Aged 12-17 Years)Percent2019-2075.875.6
Children With Decayed Teeth or Cavities in the Past Year (Aged 1-17 Years)Percent2019-2012.511.8
Children Who Received a Developmental Screening Using a Parent-Completed Screening Tool in the Past Year (Aged 9-35 Months)Percent2019-2027.836.9
Resident Live Births to Mothers Who Smoked During PregnancyPercent20203.7
Children Who Live in Households Where Someone Smokes (Aged 0-17 Years)Percent2019-2013.414
Children Who Were Obese (BMI at or Above 95th Percentile) (Aged 10-17 Years)Percent2019-2015.816.2
Newborn Screening
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Count20201,121
Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (Rate per 1,000 Live Births)Rate202053.5
Bloodspot Screening, Newborns (Live Births) ScreenedCount2020208,814
Bloodspot Screening, Newborns (Live Births) ScreenedPercent202099.6
Bloodspot Screening, Borderline and Presumptive Positives Specimens ReferredCount20208,469
Hearing Screening, Newborns Referred Due to Failed ScreenCount20209,463
Infants/Toddlers Diagnosed with Hearing LossCount2020274
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Data Note(s) is provided by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Public Health Statistics and Performance Management.

  • * Multi-year data represent data for a two year period.

  • ** Blank cells indicate data is not available.

  • Data Sources:

  • National Survey for Children's Health; Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics and Bureau of Early Steps and Newborn Screening.