Adequacy of Prenatal Care (Kotelchuck Index):
The Kotelchuck Index is a measure that assesses if a mother received an adequate number of prenatal visits given the duration of her pregnancy. The adequacy of prenatal care is divided into five categories: inadequate prenatal care, intermediate prenatal care, adequate prenatal care, adequate plus prenatal care, and unknown.
Age Group:
Includes five-year age cohorts of women within the childbearing ages 15-44: 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39 and 40-44. Some graphics display <15 and 45+ as well.
Indicates the weight of the child at birth in grams. The Dashboard classifies this as four levels: <1500 grams very low birthweight), 1500-2499 grams (low birthweight), 2500-3999 grams (normal birthweight), and 4000> grams (high birthweight).
Birth Rate:
The number of births per 1,000 population.
Breastfeeding Initiation:
Determines whether the mother had started breastfeeding by the time the birth certificate was completed.
Delivery Method:
Indicates either cesarean section or vaginal delivery.
Delivery Payment Source:
The source of payment for the delivery e.g., Medicaid, Private Insurance and Self-pay
Educational Attainment:
Indicates the level of education the mother had at the time of birth. This Dashboard uses categories such as: less than High School, High School Graduate or GED, Some college but no degree, Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctorate Degree.
Distinguishes between non-Hispanic and Hispanic. Hispanic includes mothers of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin. Hispanic mothers of South or Central American or other Spanish origin are classified as ‘other’, regardless of race. Ethnicity has been integrated into public vital statistics documents since 1989.
Fertility Rate:
Number of births per 1,000 Florida female residents aged 15-44 (childbearing ages).
Indicates the mother was born outside the United States.
Gestational Age:
The number of weeks the pregnancy lasted based on the birth attendant’s final estimate determined by all perinatal factors and assessments such as ultrasound, but not the neonatal exam.
High-Risk Conditions:
Births to mothers who had a history of gestational or pre-pregnancy diabetes, chronic or gestational hypertension, previous pre-term delivery, or other previous poor birth outcomes.
Hospital where birth occurred had licensed Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit beds, (i.e., the highest level neonatal intensive care unit hospital) identified by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration.
Marital Status:
The mother is either married or not married.
Mother’s Pre-Pregnancy BMI:
The pre-pregnancy body mass index of the mother which falls into four categories: underweight (<18.5), normal weight (18.5-24.9), overweight (25.0-29.9) and obese (>=30)
The count of all previous births to the mother (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11+) excluding the current pregnancy
The number of babies born to the mother during delivery of the same pregnancy. In this Dashboard, it is displayed as singleton, twins or triplets+.
Previous Births:
The count of all previous births to the mother (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11+) excluding the current pregnancy.
Refers to the race of the mother as white, black and other. The other category encompasses all other races besides white and black and these racial categories cover all ethnic categories if not stated otherwise.
Smoking Status:
Whether the mother smoked during the pregnancy.
Teen Birth:
Births to mothers between the ages of 15-19, unless otherwise noted.
Trimester Started Prenatal Care:
The trimester a mother started prenatal care. It ranges from no prenatal care to 3rd Trimester.